Northeast Pacific blue whale calls (including types A, B, C)
Ocean bottom seismometer J53A (283 km offshore Washington), BHZ, December 13 2011 at 00:56:00 - 01:01:00 UTC
Northeast Pacific blue whale calls (including types A, B, C) vocalized at the same time as consistent ship noise.
Ocean bottom seismometer J53A (283 km offshore Washington), BHZ, December 13 2011 at 01:20:00 - 02:05:00 UTC
Magnitude 3.63 earthquake with an epicentre16.5 km away from the seismometer
Land seismometer CM09A (Cape Mendocino, California), EHZ, December 29 2014 at 13:40:00 -13:50:00 UTC
Northeast Pacific fin whale singlet calling pattern
Ocean bottom seismometer FN0A (48 km offshore Washington), EHZ, December 14 2011 at 15:00:00 -15:05:00 UTC
Northeast Pacific fin whale doublet calling pattern
Listen closely to notice the slightly alternating frequencies!
Ocean bottom seismometer FN14A (62 km offshore Washington), EHZ, December 14 2011 at 15:00:00-15:05:00 UTC